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2 Antique Books, Jones' View of Seats, Mansions & Noblemen, English, Georgian
2 Antique Books, The Lives of Scottish Poets, English, Biographical, Regency
2 Large Vols Antique Reference Book, Egypt - Historical and Picturesque, English
2 Vols Antique Book, British Sports and Sportsmen, English, Sporting Reference
2 Vols Antique Book, Morant's History Of Essex, English, County Reference, 1816
2 Vols Antique Reference Book Set, Rotulorum Originalium, Public Records, Latin
3 Antique Badminton Library Books, English, Boating, Driving, Cricket, Victorian
3 Feet Wide Antique Tilt Top Table, English, Reception Hall, Breakfast, Georgian
3vols Antique Reference Books, English Furniture of the 18th Century, Cescinsky
4 Vols Antique Botany Books, Flowers of Modern Voyages, English, Georgian, 1820
4 Vols Antique Folio, Imperial Gallery of British Art, Engravings, Victorian
4 Vols Vintage English Maps, John Speed, Cartography Folio, Reproduction, C.1953
4vol Antique Reference Book Set, British Furniture, English, Macquoid, Edwardian
5 Vols, Antique Books, Lives of the British Admirals, English, Georgian, 1817
6'8" Tall Vintage Standard Lamp, English, Brass, Adjustable Reading Light, 1940
7' Wide Antique Museum Bookcase, Glazed Library Cabinet, Early Victorian, C.1840
8' 8'' Long Antique Display Cabinet, English, Shop Retail Showcase, Edwardian
Antique 2nd Edition Book, Nineveh & Its Remains Vol.1, English, Victorian, 1849
Antique 3vol Book Set, Dictionary of English Furniture, Macquoid, Reference, A-Z
Antique 4 Division Canterbury, English, Newspaper, Magazine Stand, Regency, 1820