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Victorian Antique Wall Mirror, Giltwood & Gesso Frame, Jasperware Plaque, c.1890
Large Victorian Dinner Gong with Beater in English Oak Frame, c.1870
Antique Wall Mirror in Oak Frame, Late Victorian, English c.1890
Gothic Wrought Iron Firedogs, Medieval Revival Andirons, Late C20th
Art Nouveau Copper Fire Kerb, Late Victorian Fireplace Hearth, c.1900
Arts & Crafts Antique Fireplace, Victorian Mantelpiece Fire Surround in Walnut, English c.1900
Victorian Coal Scuttle, Brass Fireside Bin with Integral Shovel, English
Pair of Regency Revival Pier Mirrors, Top Quality, Late C20th, Wall
Regency Revival Overmantel Mirror, Top Quality, Late C20th, Wall
Victorian Antique Fire Basket on Stand, Cast Iron Grate
Large Fire Basket, Fireplace Iron Grate, Late C20th
Cast Iron Fire Back, Late 20th Century, Royal Crest
Very Large Overmantel Mirror, Late C20th in Regency Taste, English
Antique Wall Mirror, English, Walnut, Edwardian c.1910
Antique Fire Basket, Large Victorian Iron Grate on Andirons c.1900
Classical Revival Wall Mirror, 21st Century Overmantel
Mid-Century Georgian Revival Wall Mirror, Cushioned with Recessed Plate
Georgian Revival Wall Mirror, Cushioned Overmantle C20th
Antique Painted Carved Swan Ornament, Victorian Doorstop
Balinese Carved Wall Panel, Mid-Century Decorative Art